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Rezeption Hotel & Hostel: 24 Stunden

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Pahar Trust


Pahar Trust – Renovating School in Nepal

Pahar Trust – Renovating School in Nepal

Our mate Paul S. introduced us to the Pahar Trust. It is having its 30th birthday this year so has been helping build and renovate schools in the remote Nepali region of Pokhara since 1991. Our project will renovate an early childhood development classroom in the Shree Prabhabkari School, Gairathok, Parbat. The village of Gairathok has a population of approximately 400 people and as in common with most villages in Nepal the main source of income is farming in the local fields.

Our project will consist of the refurbishment of an existing classroom which is at the moment not conductive to quality education. The school has 40 students and supports the UNs Sustainable Development Goal to ensure all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development. We are very pleased to be supporting this new project and with your help we hope to raise €4.800 so that the work can begin.